Our Guide to Electrical Energy Storage Systems (EESS) in the UK

Harness the Power of Electrical Battery Storage

Imagine a world where you can control your energy use more effectively, save money on electricity bills, and have peace of mind during power outages. 

Electrical energy storage batteries are making this a reality. These versatile systems can be integrated into your existing electrical setup in two exciting ways:

What is an Electrical Energy Storage System?

“Also referred to as an Electrical Storage Battery/Solar Battery”

An electrical energy storage system (EESS) is a technology that captures electrical energy and stores it for later use. It's like having a rechargeable battery for your entire home/building/business. 

These systems typically consist of battery units, power conversion electronics, and a control system.

How Does it Work?

The process can be broken down into three stages:

  1. Charging: During periods of low electricity use or high solar production (if your system is solar-integrated), excess electricity is directed towards the battery. The battery's internal chemistry converts this electrical energy into chemical energy, essentially "filling up" the battery.
  2. Storage: The stored chemical energy remains within the battery until it's needed.
  3. Discharging: When electricity demand is high, or during a power cut in the case of a standalone system, the battery converts the stored chemical energy back into electrical energy that can be used to power your home/building/business.

1. Solar Power Partner: Boost Your Renewable Energy

  • Synergy with Solar Panels: When paired with solar panels, electrical batteries store excess solar energy generated during the day. This stored power can then be used at night or during peak demand periods, maximising your reliance on clean, renewable energy and reducing your dependence on the grid.
  • Increased Savings: By utilizing solar power for a larger portion of the day, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills.
  • Government Incentives: The UK government offers attractive financial incentives for installing solar panels and battery storage systems, making the switch to renewable energy even more rewarding. Grants and schemes vary depending on eligibility and geographical area.

2. Standalone Backup Power: Peace of Mind

  • Grid Independence: A standalone battery system provides backup power during power cuts, keeping your essential appliances and any essential equipment functioning even when the grid goes down.
  • Peak Power Play: Take advantage of off-peak electricity tariffs by charging your battery during low-cost periods, such as at overnight.This stored energy can then be used during “peak” hours when electricity rates are higher, saving you money.
  • Simple Installation: Standalone battery systems can be installed independently of solar panels, offering a more accessible entry point to energy storage solutions.

Do We Need Battery Storage with Solar Panels?

While solar panels can significantly reduce your reliance on the grid, battery storage isn't mandatory for every system. Here's a breakdown to help you decide:

  • Maximise Self-Consumption: If you prioritise using the most solar energy you generate and minimising grid dependence, a battery system is a perfect match. It captures excess solar power for use during evenings and peak demand periods. Times when the panels can no longer harvest solar energy.
  • Feed-in Tariffs: If you benefit from favourable feed-in tariffs for exporting excess solar energy back to the grid, you might decide to forgo battery storage initially. However, battery prices are decreasing, and future electrical tariffs might favour self-consumption, making batteries a valuable addition later.
  • Power Cuts: If uninterrupted power during power cuts is essential, a battery storage system becomes very attractive. Situations where essential equipment is within a building would be a key example, such as care-homes, 

Choosing the Right System for You

Whether you're looking to maximise your solar power usage or gain backup power security, there's a battery storage solution to fit your needs. 

Consider factors like your energy consumption habits, budget, and existing electrical setup when making your decision. 

Consulting with a qualified installer can help you determine the ideal battery capacity and system configuration for your needs.

Taking Control of Your Energy Future

Electrical energy storage batteries are revolutionising the way we manage our energy consumption in the UK. 

By exploring both solar-integrated and standalone options, you can unlock a path to greater energy independence, cost savings, and peace of mind.

Alexander Iacovides, Director of Future Decarbonise

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