Don’t neglect your heating systems during warmer months, warns expert

Spring and summer in the UK present a wonderful opportunity to make your home more energy-efficient while preparing for colder months. These warmer seasons provide an ideal time to inspect, maintain, and upgrade your home’s energy systems. Finance expert, Gary Hemming from ABC Finance tells us how we can save hundreds of pounds over the summer:

Spring and Summer Energy-Saving Tips:

Boiler Efficiency 


Turn Down the Thermostat: With warmer weather, you can reduce the temperature of your boiler or even switch it off entirely for central heating, leaving it on only for hot water.

Switch to Summer Mode: Some boilers have a "summer mode," which turns off the heating function but keeps the boiler ready to provide hot water on demand.

Seal Drafts

Even in warm weather, drafts can increase your energy bills. Check for gaps around windows and doors and use draft excluders or sealants to keep warm air out.

Appliance Use and Maintenance

Use Off-Peak Tariffs: If you’re on an Economy 7 tariff, take advantage of cheaper electricity rates at night for washing, dishwashing, and other high-energy tasks.

Regular Maintenance: Defrost fridges and freezers to keep them running efficiently. Clean any dust build-up around them and on the coils.

Outdoor Management

Garden Shade: Consider planting trees or installing awnings to provide shade to your home and outdoor spaces.

Barbecuing: Cook outdoors to keep the heat out of your kitchen, reducing your need for additional cooling.

Indoor Management

Bleed Radiators

As homes rely heavily on central heating, make sure radiators are working effectively. Bleeding radiators removes trapped air and allows the system to distribute heat evenly.

Boiler Service

Book an annual boiler service during the spring or summer to detect and address issues before you need the heating full-time.

Insulation Upgrades

Loft and Cavity Wall Insulation: Check if your home qualifies for government insulation grants. Proper insulation will retain heat in the winter and keep homes cool in the summer.

Draught-Proofing: Add draught-proofing around doors, windows, and even letterboxes.

Gutter and Roof Inspection

Clear gutters to prevent water damage from autumn leaves. Check roof tiles for any damage that could worsen over winter.

Smart Controls

Invest in a smart thermostat or programmable timer to better control your heating, saving on energy bills without compromising comfort.

Gary Hemming from ABC finance says: 

Spring and summer are excellent seasons to evaluate your energy usage and ensure your heating system is ready for winter. Taking time to service your boiler, improve insulation, and optimise your thermostat settings will help you save on energy bills and make the colder months more comfortable.

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