Key Contacts
Clive Scrivener
T: 0208 947 7040
Zah Azeem
T: 0208 947 7040
Our Services
Lease Extensions
Lease Enfranchisement
Party Wall Advice
Expert Witness
Property Valuation
Schedules of Condition
Licences for Alteration
Do you have a property problem?
Scrivener Tibbatts - Chartered Surveyors would like to help you. We pride ourselves on our professionalism. We offer our clients expert impartial advice and friendly personal service based on our many years of experience.
Lease Extensions
Flat owners who have owned their flats for two years or more are entitled to demand a lease extension of 90 years in addition to their existing unexpired term and have all ground rents reduced to nil.
Lease Enfranchisement
Flat owners wishing to purchase the freehold of their property may demand to do so at any time provided at least 50% of eligible flat owners also apply. For example, a building containing two flats needs both owners to demand the freehold. One with three flats also needs a minimum of two flat owners.
Party Wall Advice
Party walls are shared walls separating buildings such as semi-detached and terraced houses. A floor separating two flats is a party structure. You must notify your neighbour if you are planning any extension or major structural alterations.
Expert Witness
As an Expert Witness, we undertake the preparation of expert reports for court or tribunal hearings.
Property Valuation
As a registered valuer, we undertake formal valuations of residential properties for reinstatement, probate, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, estate planning, mortgage, trust settlement, matrimonial disputes, and Charities.
Schedules of Condition
These are a detailed record supported by photographs of the condition and state of repair of any building or property including commercial premises.
This is a bespoke service for home owners and potential home owners, who are considering moving home or investing in residential property
Licences for Alteration
This is a vetting service for freeholders and managing agents of properties who are asked by flat owners and home owners for permission to extend or alter their homes.